Feature where you can see the shades of colour you need
1 year, 9 months ago by canoworms
When looking at a particular pattern, it will tell you how many colours you need, but there's nowhere on the page where you can click to see what each of the colours actually are. This makes it difficult for me to tell what colours I need to grab to start a pattern since I'm left to look at the pattern itself and try to pay attention to all the different shades, but it gets very confusing when you're dealing with a pattern that is nearly monochromatic in its colour scheme. I'm assuming that when somebody puts their pattern on this website, they have to manually click the boxes for the colours they use to make their pattern, and so it seems like it would be fairly simple to record that down to make it easier for other people to see which colours they used exactly without having to look at the tapestry and pick it apart themselves.And if this feature does exist and I somehow managed to miss it.... then it would definitely need to be recoded to be more easily accessible :') |
1 year, 9 months ago by halokiwi
The feature does not exist, but there is a trick. On the website you can click "add a variation" (the amount of times you can do this has a daily limit, so don't waste it!) and there you'll be able to see all the colours used. This is also the place where you can adjust the colours to your liking, if you'd rather use different colours instead.
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by sodapop
The colors used in patterns are HEX codes, which are similar to RGB and only used for website and digital design type applications. The HEX codes are not the same as embroidery floss numbers like you'd get with a cross stitch pattern. There are many thread brands worldwide that have different numbering systems anyway, so it's up to you to choose or change the colors according to your preference or availability. The patterns here are just a guide 😊