Moving variations over when patterns are duplicates
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by Chica2020
I know I accidentally made a duplicate, and I was wondering exactly how everything transferred over, so I looked at the pattern that I duplicated by chance. I found that the photos and everything transferred just fine, but the variations did not. Is there a way to transfer the variations like with the photos? I'm really just curious and I think it would be good for the people who made variations of the pattern so they don't lose their variations.
5 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
I think you would have to ask the admin about this.
5 years, 2 months ago by gross_piZa
Yeah, ask @Admin
5 years, 2 months ago by Admin
Thanks for mentioning me @gross_piZa.

Yes, when we started seeing that we have duplicate patterns on the site, I created a mechanism to delete a pattern while moving all the content that we can to the original one.
Here is a list of all the things we move: photos, photos in review, videos, videos in review, tutorials, todos, loves.
So as you can see, we're not moving ratings, comments and variations. I will try to explain why for all of them.

Ratings: We're not moving them, because the knot structure of the pattern can actually be a bit different, and some patterns may get low ratings also because of messy knot structure. That's why it didn't seem fair to me to move ratings from a duplicate pattern to the original one when deleting.

Comments: Comments could often contain messages specific to the author of the duplicate pattern, and it could be a bit chaotic to find comments mentioning him/her suddenly in the original pattern.

Variations: For variations things are a bit more complicated. Our system is designed so that only patterns with the same knot structure (with some exceptions like rotation, repetitions, color changes, ...) could be added as variations. This is currently a limitation of the generator engine itself, as we think it makes sense. Sometimes we also have to delete duplicates which have a bit different knot structure, and it would be unexpected to find variations of different knot structure than the original pattern has. And also, we could end up having variations with very similar colors.

Hope this helps to clear things out a bit, and thanks for the question 🙂