Way to keep track of where you are in a pattern
1 year, 12 months ago by RubyClaire
I always forget what row I'm on in a pattern! So, I was thinking that you could go into "Maker Mode" or something like that in the pattern, and it would highlight or enlarge the row you are working on. To change the row, maybe you tap the screen or an arrow button? and there's a back arrow too?
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by EdenB
what I do is when I am done working on a pattern for the day I find a book and pencil and wright the row I am on
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by innhdahh
Unless it's repetitive and I can remember it, I have to physically print the patterns and use a ruler lined under the row I'm on (or two rulers if it's a chevron type of pattern), and I move it every time I finish a row otherwise I get mixed up a lot. I could just glance up at the tv or take a bite of food and already confuse myself about where I am in it if I don't keep up with it, lol.
1 year, 12 months ago by RubyClaire
That is the exact same thing that happens to me, I’m just to lazy to print it out. And to be honest, it would be quite easy to do this type of thing, it has a similar mechanic to the string enlarging on hover.
1 year, 10 months ago by _sparrow_
What I do to keep track of where I am I a pattern is I screenshot or save the pattern image to my phone. When I finish a row I'll use the markup function in my photo editing application and cross off the row. You could also use the highlighter tool to highlight your current row.
1 year, 9 months ago by canoworms
Totally agree with this, it would be great if there was an in-site feature for it instead of having to print it out or screenshot the pattern and edit the photo with your progress.
1 year, 9 months ago by halokiwi
The rows have numbers. So you can theoretically just write down the number of the row you're in, whether you do that digitally or on paper is up to you 😉
1 year, 9 months ago by RubyClaire
Originally when I thought of this, it was more for while you are making the bracelet, not when you are done for the moment. I usually keep a sticky note by me to write down the row I am on when I am done.
1 year, 9 months ago by noname53
I make a screen shot and then go in my gallery app to the edit function on the picture, and then when I have finished a row then I cross it out, but what you should keep in mind is that if you also want to do this that you save every now and then so that you don't somehow come to Cancel or something, I hope that could help.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by firefox979
If you use Google Chrome you can get the extension called Web Paint Tool that essentially lets you draw on any web page. Since I segment knot, I just draw a line through the segment of knots I've just done as I go so I don't lose my place.