A couple of ideas
Bracelet King
2ย years ago by innhdahh
I love this site and the app (I even paid for it) so I hope my ideas aren't taken in any way as saying I don't appreciate the site because I do, and I appreciate all the work of the admin and the mods who help in the forums as well as approve pictures and patterns, and create a lot of patterns for us to do!

So a couple of ideas:

Have a place with our pictures where we can add a description or put in some more info, like the DMC color #s, if/who we gave or sold it to, dates we made it, notes on if we changed anything, or anything related. It could just be one text box where we write whatever we want about our project, or there could be individual sections for each thing (the text box sounds easier though)

I understand not wanting to add something like likes to turn this into regular social media, and I really love that. There's definitely a better vibe on this site than any other social media, and I don't want that to change. One thing, though, is sometimes I really like specific bracelets (or items) made by other people, and I want to be able to look back on them for inspiration, so maybe we could have a private section of our page, along with the likes and to dos etc, where we can save things, but no one would know we saved them and no one could see what we saved. That way it wouldn't have the negative social media impact of doing stuff for likes or clout or anything. It would just be a way for us to save things we like and want to look back on. I can use pinterest for this too, but I just prefer to keep everything on the site

A way to sort of pin our favorite photos of projects we've made to the top of our photos list, so they are showed on our page, rather than just our most recent. It could just be like you can pin 3 and the rest default to most recent, or anything like that. Sometimes I just hate seeing my inferior projects on my page and would rather see my best ones, and I'd also love to see what other people feel their favorites of their own are

Thanks for considering any of these, and thank you again to all the hard work admin and mods do for us. I really appreciate everything. Discovering this site has been one of the best things for my creativity, self-care, and fun.