why is the app only for iPhones and not android
2 years ago by uwu-chan
So I use this app pretty frequently and upgraded to a new phone and noticed that it isn’t on android an app like this that’s not a video game but an art form you would expect it to be everywhere,plus wouldn’t you want people to be able to access the only bracelet app of this kind everywhere, I’ve had to use the desktop version on my phone and it’s really hard to navigate and manage. I really want to use the app but why isn’t it available everywhere.
2 years ago by halokiwi
I believe that admin is working on also making an android app. But he has lots of other things on his list that he wants to do first. Making an android app seems to be more difficult than making an ios app.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
I have to admit that I have no idea what the app looks like or does, since I'm on android too, but I always thought it's neat that this site is so usable on phone browers too. This way, I don't need to install anything, update anything, etc.And everytime I read something about the app on the forums here, it's always "XYZ isn't a feature in the app, you have to use the website", so it always seemed like a win-win for me. |