videos not working
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
when i tap on a vid from the site all i see is a white screen. i’m on safari. i have a website blocker but both youtube and braceletbook are allowed. i also have a time limit but it does it even when i’m not out of time. i have no idea what’s causing this but i would really like it fixed @Admin
2 years ago by Admin
Thanks a lot @sage-wolf for reporting the issue. I checked it just now and it works fine for me in Safari. In fact, I'm using Safari on a daily basis and have never experienced such an issue. But I'm pretty sure this is not an issue on our end. It seems that there is some problem in the version of Safari you're using. Did you try updating to the latest version of Safari and maybe also OSX to see if the issue still persists? If updating is not an option for some reason, maybe you could also try using a different web browser? Please tag me in the reply to this message, so that I get notified 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@Admin, ok, so i tried updating but it seems i’m on the most current version already. i don’t have access to other browsers, but i could maybe try using the app.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sodapop
@sage-wolf does that happen for all the videos you try to watch? Hopefully it’s just some of them that may be old or have broken links. I've also noticed a lot of videos not working when I searched for potential tutorials, just certain ones though. Other more current videos seem to work just fine for me 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sodapop
@Admin The problem could be older ones posted by certain users. It's possible that the link to YouTube is broken if the user has changed something in their YouTube account, or made it private. It’s a bummer since some of them look like they would be good tutorials and we can’t watch them😢

I normally use Chrome but also checked using different browsers (Safari and Firefox) and also the BB app.

So I went through all the videos and here’s a long list I’d like to report of what didn’t work for me and the reason shown when I clicked it.

@PandaParty video unavailable -#32405
@jenavieve_ 2 videos unavailable #30882 #34833
@kincyknots video unavailable #117
@ruthie188 video unavailable #35732
@NikkiYT 2 videos unavailable- #273 #2

@madhat1 this video is private- #14216
@DisneyChum this video is private- #1825
@lauXbela 2 private videos- #29315 #1
@Astergeorg private- #2
@aqua909 private- #31525

@colorqueen 3 videos unavailable- #2 #55293 #45236 and 2 videos on #8873
@rhiamila12 unavailable #6390
@ItsMeNat07 unavailable #27679
@mika-ktts 9 videos unavailable- #33434 #34804 #17825 #2896 #17057 #30966 #24525 #109 #29715
@jgrace unavailable #47166

@Paryand unavailable #2
@EmBraclet unavailable #8889
@user10000 unavailable #14715
@anna1290 unavailable #36226
@donutbonut last video unavailable #1

@xXLeahXx private #70
@milkiieway unavailable #25054
@Ruby321 private #87765 #2 and #51991
@IzzyG21 unavailable #4847 #1
@Chirish private #6380 #11953

@CWillard 8 videos marked private #15312 #10181 #63 #17623 #4319 #17620 #17127 #1
@Aspen14 all 23 videos on profile page not working (too many to list indiv)

That’s 75 videos! Do any of those work for you?

I tagged everyone in case they didn’t know, or would like to upload more current links if they're still active on BB.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by user10000
Hi @Admin & @sodapop I actually deleted that YouTube video
Bracelet King
2 years ago by user10000
But don’t know how to remove from the site
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sodapop
@user10000 oh that's makes sense, thanks! 😊 Could be other users have done the same thing. Only @Admin can remove those links, so hopefully he can take a look sometime soon.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@sodapop for me it’s every video, even ones i know aren’t private like masha knots
Bracelet King
2 years ago by EmBraclet
@sodapop @sage-wolf I deleted my video from YouTube that’s why mine is unavailable on here
2 years ago by Admin
@sage-wolf Could you please try opening one of the videos in a new tab, to see if it works that way? If you're on a mac, just right-click on the video and then click "open in a new tab". If you're on iOS then long-press on the video and click "open in a new tab". That should open up a direct youtube embed link in a new tab. I would be curious to hear if that works 🤔.

@sodapop Thank you soo much for putting together the list of videos that aren't working anymore! 🙂 I went through it just now, double-checked every single video and none of them worked for me either, so I removed all of them from our database 🙂. We normally don't give rewards for reporting broken video links, but you spent a lot of time putting the list together and it helped me a lot, so I gave you 3 rewards for it! 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@Admin im not even getting an option. i’ll try updating my ipad, but i don’t think that’s the issue since i have a friend on a much older device and it works fine for her.
2 years ago by Admin
@sage-wolf If you're not getting the option, please try opening up this link for example 🙂

Safari can sometimes be pretty weird. Apple tends to break even basic functionality from time to time in an update and then they fix it in a subsequent update. It happened a lot of times to me with a number of different things not working properly, so I think it's definitely worth trying to update.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@Admin the link works fine :] i can still access youtube, just not through bb for some reason
2 years ago by Admin
@sage-wolf If you manage to update your device, please let me know if it helped. There's one more thing that might be worth checking, depending on what version of iPad OS you're on. Apple recently added some security features to iPadOS. Try looking for "private relay", "prevent cross-site tracking", "hide IP address" and "block all cookies" in your system settings. Disabling some of them might potentially fix the issue, if they don't play nicely with YouTube embedded content.