How does "Hottest patterns" end?
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by IndyHaine
Bit of an irrelevant question but I'm genuinely curious:I had the fortune of having something in the "hottest patterns" section, and two things stood out as odd to me that I wanted to ask about. Firstly, the patterns went up to first place and then simply vanished instead of going back down again and vanishing then, so I assume there's a timer on how old a pattern can be to still go in "hottest"? I'm just wondering because my pattern was already half a day old when it got into "hottest", so by any means it should have been too old already? Secondly, even after the pattern vanished from "hottest patterns" I still got a lot of ratings and loves on it, even though I would assume people are way less likely to see it anymore. Under "newest" it was already several pages in. How did people even see it at that point? Sorry, I realize non of this matters, but I've always been too curious for my own good. |
2 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
Admin says that it is based on how many fews a pattern has and that it also takes time into consideration. New patterns are preferred, but like he wrote it, to me it at least read as if older patterns can be in the hottest section too, but that it is just more difficult for them.
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by IndyHaine
Thank you for telling me! I wouldn't have thought that it's theoretically possible for old patterns to get there. You'd think that patterns in official challenges would be in the hottest section all the time then.That's interesting! Sorry for bothering you with questions like these and thank you for humoring my curiousity! |