Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by hihi8
Hi I was wondering if you could please let alpha patterns automatically save. Some people spend hours on patterns and they just accidentally don't press save I think this would be very helpful
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by IndyHaine
I think for now, it's safer to make the pattern in Gimp and then just tweak the colors in the braceletbook editor (that way I'm even glad it doesn't autosave because I often exchange an okay looking color for a horrible one accidentally lol...)Totally understand your point though! Just wanted to help for the time being, so you don't lose progress; that's always awful... |
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sodapop
When designing patterns it's just a good idea to get in the habit of saving frequently, it never hurts anything.I usually open a few windows saved at different stages so I can revert back even if I've saved changes I don't like. My husband thinks it's funny that I work with so many open tabs, overlapped windows and pages in the dock 😂 I also take selected screen shots for comparison of progress. If something bad happens, it's not that hard to copy previous work if you have a picture to look at. The hardest part for me is the designing and figuring out which arrangement looks best, so that's why I like to have the comparisons. Sometimes I copy/paste a few versions into new patterns as a shortcut to making a series. When I need to take a break for a few days (or months) I can also get a fresh perspective when I come back. There's no limit on how many unfinished patterns you can keep in your Create section. I have over 2500 drafts (normals, alphas and variations) and it hasn't warned me yet! Actually, I think the hardest part for me is labeling keywords so I can finally get them all submitted! 😂 😂 Believe me, the pattern generators with Undo and interactive features are LOADS better than they used to be!! |
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by IndyHaine
@sodapop several browser tabs with different stages of the same pattern, so you can revert to one after saving? You. Are a genius. That would've saved me so much pain in the past!!
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by hihi8
@sodapop I do try to save frequently. But sometimes I forget to and I lose all my work, and also it would just be a lot easier to have it automatically save. Thanks for the advice though 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sodapop
@IndyHaine haha yes, only if you save before opening each new browser window. Then if needed, you can just re-save an older version if you want. Also remember if you've made changes that aren't turning out great before saving them, you can hit the undo button about 20-30 times (I forgot to count exact amount) to erase each previous step until the generator reaches its memory limit. All those precautions go out the window though if your internet drops or computer crashes! 😅
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sodapop
@hihi8Agree, I imagine a perfect world too, but sometimes we just have to learn to work with the tools we're given, especially when they're free lol! 😂 |