Printing Declined Patterns
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by saradaniwe
Super Moderator
5 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
What is your question exactly?
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by saradaniwe
Sorry, I didn't mean to post. I think it would be really useful if we could print patterns without submitting them to the site, or if they are declined. I just had a lot of patterns declined for being too simple. I'm totally fine with that but would love it if I could print them normally anyway (without having to take a screenshot and doing it that way...).
Super Moderator
5 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
@saradaniwe I know you already said this, but I take a screenshot of my pattern and print it that way. Unfortunately that is the only way right now.
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by saradaniwe
Thanks, please tell me if there is a better way in the future. Such as a person pattern collection that’s private or something.