Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by sodapop
The rating feature should have its own link that brings up a separate page or a "submit" box >>> a chance to double-check your vote before casting it <<< The way it works now it's very easy to click a star and not even realize what you clicked --your vote is cast --and maybe you didn't even mean to rate it yet. And there's no way to change it!
I've seen tons of comments on here from members apologizing for their accidental low star rating.

IT'S A TERRIBLE FEATURE IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT. All the patterns you rate should also go in a saved category like your "loves" or even a non-public category like "create patterns" where unfinished patterns you're working on are kept. I think it would be nice to be able to see all the patterns you rated in one place, and maybe even be able to change your vote.
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by hannah_0
Yes! That would be cool but @Admin says they have other big things they’re working on
5 years, 2 months ago by Admin
Thank you for mentioning me, and for a suggestion. Regarding the ratings, yes, we already have this marked in our todo list. We would like to at least allow users to change their rating. But it will take us a while, because as @hannah_0 said, we're currently working on something else 🙂.
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by sodapop
@Admin I'm super happy about that! But how long is "a while?" Closer to a month or a year?
I've spent a few years on another (homesteading) forum that said certain changes were coming "soon" and it's been almost a year with no changes yet. 🙃
5 years, 2 months ago by Admin
There's now more things we want to do, and the big change alone will take more than a month, so I would maybe rather say closer to a year 🙁