Official challenge criteria
2 years, 5 months ago by slayqueen1
Hello, I was just wondering what criteria the moderators follow when choosing patterns for official challenges?
2 years, 5 months ago by arf820
it depends on the moderator choosing the patterns, but i like to choose patterns with a lot of good ratings, loves, and positive comments but have no photos. that way i can bring more attention to wonderful patterns that don't have any photos yet. i also like to choose patterns with varying difficulty -- some easier, smaller patterns for beginners and some harder, bigger patterns for more advanced bracelet makers. we also sometimes choose patterns that fit a certain theme around the time of year. for instance, for the june monthly challenge since it's pride month, we chose pride themed patterns. i haven't hosted an official challenge in awhile, but if you'd like to message me some patterns you think deserve more recognition, i'll definitely consider including them in the next official challenge i host. 🙂