buy or sell options page 2
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
They would of course have to have parents permission to add address info, which could be private. I know that also brings into the picture a security issue. With adding address info and payment info.
2 years, 6 months ago by 61805327
I agree I think it would be too much for the app/website right now but who knows what the future will hold
2 years, 6 months ago by Tikilishi
I think this is a very well thought out idea @TikanaPera!One major consideration would be, due to the fact that many users are under 17 years old, due to child labor laws that protect minors in the U.S. this might not be legal to implement. If the site was 18+ this could be an amazing idea, but since we want the site to be inclusive to all, and that includes our younger users, it is likely not an idea we could implement successfully. But I commend you for such a well thought-out idea! |
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I think the reward or point system wouldn’t be illegal. If they are earning ‘points’ by making patterns that are used by other users in a product that’s sold. Only if they are making bracelets themselves. I mean younger users could earn points lots of ways and use them to purchase stuff in my opinion. But idk for sure. Defiantly a thought. It would be cool for a joint app or a stand alone app though.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I guess it would depend on how the minor earned said points.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
Idk I did lemonade stands and sold trinkets that I made as a kid. Things are strict nowadays.
2 years, 5 months ago by Tikilishi
I wonder how things could change with a separate site? Would there be more sellers than buyers, since many users tie bracelets, I wonder? Would minors be upset that they wouldn't be allowed to use the sister site? Would they use it anyway? 😅 Points could perhaps be a loophole, but I wonder if parents would like it?On mentioning lemonade stands, apparently child-operated lemonade stands are currently illegal in 36 of the 50 U.S. states 😅 (I wasn't aware of this!) Although a fun past time they may have been 😅 The discussion of ideas is one of my favorite parts about BraceletBook, among many favorite parts! 🎉 I definitely love that you suggested it, even if it might not be possible (or maybe it could? Who knows what the future could bring! @TikanaPera!) |
2 years, 5 months ago by TikanaPera
So true @timilishi
2 years, 5 months ago by TikanaPera
I loved doing lemonaide stands
2 years, 5 months ago by TikanaPera
I also mowed lawns, raked lawns, shoveled driveways etc. Some things should really come back.
2 years, 5 months ago by TikanaPera
Honestly I had someone ask me as a hobbyist to do a 100-150 bracelet order, and I wondered how the heck I could fill such a large order. And it got me thinking. If it was split up among artisans it could be completed quicker etc. then yesterday this idea hit me. Not that people usually request in such bulk, possibly for resale too. I was also trying to think of something to give children besides Halloween candy since my children can’t have it.
2 years, 5 months ago by TikanaPera
But it could be very lucrative if bracelets became very popular again. I know paracord survival bracelets became popular for a time, so it’s very possible. I do those as well. But not as much since the fad died off.
2 years, 5 months ago by TikanaPera
I am making a bunch of my designs and Halloween bracelets to give out on Halloween this year.
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by IndyHaine
I don't know about other countries but in Germany, this would be highly illegal except if everyone who just uploads a pattern with the prospect of someone else selling it (and the person selling it, too, of course) registering as a business owner and then filing tax declarations as a business.You would have to earn a lot more money than I think you could for that to be worth your time, because in the countries that I know this of, this is taken extremely seriously. Thus, young people not knowing this can get into a lot of trouble with the law. While the idea itself sounds nice, I don't think it will be a good one in practice in a lot of countries. |