buy or sell options
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
It would be nice if bracelet book users could somehow buy and sell bracelets made from their patterns, each user can get a royalty off of each pattern used in the sell, as well as the crafter etc. and the site itself could generate a small income. Kinda like door dash but for friendship bracelets. People can submit an order for a pattern and anyone of the artisans or users, can accept it, people can choose specifics in an order like, materials, colors, closures, starts and ends etc. Each user can accept create an order once they reach a certain rank etc and quality of work as well as decide length of time to be completed etc. the admin and moderators could take in applications for the rank of Bracelet artisan, people could apply etc through an application in the forum or via email etc. Bracelet book users can acquire points that can be earned and put into a system that converts points into dollars once they reach artisan status. Or you could use the term merchant. Also when you accept an order a shipping packet will be sent to the artisan pre labeled and shipping payed for them to send to the “client” or customer. Would be a neat addition and I think is a very lucrative idea. I’d like credit for it if y’all use it 😛 I just don’t have the know how, time or money to put into something like this, but I’d totally become a BraceletBook Artisan or Merchant, if that were a thing! And I love the way the app and page are going so far!
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
You can also have a portion of the site dedicated to this and merchants/artisans can make bracelets and put them in a buy now section. For those who don’t want a custom order.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
The point system could be used for people who aren’t artisans/merchants but have made patterns that have been made or sold. As well as use these points to buy other bracelets. That could be your way of rewarding users whose patterns get used in a sale or made by someone. More points for those who’s patterns get used in a sell, points for photos posted by other users, points for variants created, etc.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
Or for patterns that have been more popular.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
It would be so cool for those of us that can work at a place like for door dash, but don’t have the money for loads of material, or the understanding or patience to run a shop/business. Also, you could devise a pricing program that would automatically price a bracelet based on size, length number of colors, strings, knots etc, and time taken to do product as well as cost of materials used. That way your merchant doesn’t have as much legwork to do, and the merchant/artisan will know exact or an estimated perimeters to follow when creating a product.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I know this would probably require more staff, but it is an interesting idea. You would certainly have a complains comments department separate for merchandise. You could also devise a rating system for merchants that customers could review the quality of their product etc and this adversely effects the ranking of the merchant/artisan.
2 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
I think it would be a little too complex to establish something like this on braceletbook. Not only would it require more moderators, but there would also be knowledge required legal terms of buying and selling things. I think it would be a little too much to expect from us mods especially since being a moderator is a volunteer job, we don't get any money for it.There are lots of easy ways to sell things online and I'm sure someone who would want to would find a way to do so. |
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I understand it would require more people. But I just felt it was an excellent suggestion. I know about Etsy etc. but I feel this is a stellar idea! Especially for a friendship bracelet platform. There are a lot of bracelet makers out there that would benefit from it. Some that don’t understand how to run a shop etc. or business. Or just don’t have resources to output like more major artisans do. It would be a way for some of us to make a profit or get more recognition for our patterns as well with the point system I suggested. Not that I don’t mind sharing the patterns and they are free to use for people. Just if they are also sold I wouldn’t mind getting credit of some sort for my pattern being used also. Kind of like starving artists. Or copying the Mona Lisa or something, the pattern is original, but the work is unique, and between the person making it and the person that designed they pattern they would not be rewarded for their efforts somehow. Like I said it’s just a suggestion. I don’t expect this and I don’t mind how it is set up now.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I already noticed the patterns get a watermark off of the site. So if we could somehow get further recognition for use of our patterns etc if sold especially on the sites front that would be an excellent addition in my opinion. I want to sell my patterns. I guess my stand is I don’t mind sharing, and them being used as long as I am recognized when they are used for profit. If that makes sense. Especially since I intend on selling myself.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I understand that your a site mod to, so that’s why I suggested more employees. The point system could also be a way moderators get rewarded for time spent on review etc. 😉
2 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Braceletbook is a website for sharing friendship bracelet patterns and the creations made for them. It's a place to learn how to make friendship bracelets and to form connections with other users.In my opinion at the current point braceletbook as a website is easy to navigate and it's clear what braceletbook is about. More features would make it difficult to navigate. It would also make it unclear what braceletbook is even about and would change the nature of braceletbook. I like that braceletbook is a website free to use for everyone and that there are no earnings made from it. I think a change in the nature of braceletbook would not be liked by everyone. Let's say these changes would be made: How would the pattern creators get payed for the use of their patterns? People would have to provide information on how to pay them. Not every user would add this information and some users are too young to be selling things anyways. Wouldn't it be kind of unfair, if some users got payed and others didn't? How would we ensure that all the prices payed are fair? How would we ensure the quality of the products sold? I think, if you want to publish your patterns for profit, braceletbook is not the website to do so. |
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I already kind of explained that, a bracket pricing algorithm which is really something complex but it could be done, a point system that would also convert to cash etc that could also be used to purchase bracelets with points as well as cash… a ranking system on merchants/artisans based on products sold and reviews etc.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I know it’s a big leap… but like a said it’s an idea lol. I am happy with how it is, but this kind of thing sounds awesome, but possibly to good to be true.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
Also for children etc that would be able to purchase bracelets with points without needing to enter cash/card info details. There is an app called cash app, btw. Also Sort of a free to play kind of idea that could reward young users for their efforts and inspiring them to continue the craft. Especially if they want to learn, and like some patterns that may be to complex for them.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
Children wouldn’t necessarily be rewarded or be able to participate in selling until a certain age, but they could earn points to purchase more advanced looking bracelets to study in person and inspire them. If that makes more sense. It would be rewarding for all.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
It could be a separately run entity but linked in a sense that the patterns are used and acknowledged with the point system. And is cross comparable. I am completely aware that it would take probably a whole team of people to execute this. But it’s brilliant. Almost shark tank worthy. And it could inspire future generations to learn the art through practice and dedication. Tutorials are free, so the kids don’t have to pay for classes to learn. They are learning all kinds of other things on the internet these days, but from what I’ve noticed as a mom points etc is a good motivator.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
Points/rewards. It would also be a good addition to the challenges etc in the forum. People would be able to “give away”bracelets in a sense in challenges easily with points. And they could choose from the vast collection of patterns.
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
I think it would tie everything together nicely. Honestly. Especially if you reward with points and those more complex patterns are usually done by people who put out quality work. So idk. The kids would benefit from it and it would be fair. There is still a free aspect to it all. But adding a point system etc could make it more like a game for kids. More complex yes, but ingenious. Especially if your goal is to inspire young children and teach them. They would have actual products and bracelets they could get to study and help them learn. 🙃
2 years, 6 months ago by TikanaPera
This is coming from a hands on learner…