I WiSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bracelet King
5 years, 3 months ago by pinfriends
I wish that I could specifically look up my name on alphas patterns, choose fonts, what colors, etc. Could we have a specific bar for that? Because I want to, but I hate trying to draw it out, it is confusing... Thank you @johnny or @Admin!!!!!!!!
5 years, 3 months ago by queenocats
I agree
5 years, 3 months ago by Admin
Hello @pinfriends, if you're meaning creating simple word patterns, there actually is a feature for it on BraceletBook. When you go to your create patterns section, create a new alpha pattern, and open it up, there's actually more generators you could use. They are all listed on the top of the pattern detail page (draw alpha, write alpha, alpha from image, alpha from font). Did you mean this? I'm not sure if I get your question completely right.
Bracelet King
5 years, 3 months ago by pinfriends
well, that woiuld work to, but I was meaning when you go to the pattern bar on the top of the page, to see new patterns, there could be a filter up there for your name
5 years, 3 months ago by Margaron
What you’re looking for is already a feature on the site? Go to your username, go to the create option, select alpha, hit the write alpha button. Type your name, select your font, choose your colours? That’s everything you wanted to be able to do, no? I mean you can always search your name as a pattern keyword and if a pattern has been accepted with your name in it it should show up and if you want different colours you can add a variation. 🤔 correct me if I’m wrong but that is what you’re looking to do, right?