Adding keywords to submitted patterns
2 years, 7 months ago by Zikta
I have recently posted a pattern and only once it was accepted did I realise that the keywords I added could have been more accurate. Is there any way to edit/add keywords in a pattern that's already on the site?
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by x_x
No. Sry.
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by bennobee
No, but I think that there SHOULD be a way to do this, and that all BraceletBook users should be able to suggest keywords, which would then be reviewed by moderators.

This potential feature is especially needed for older patterns that were probably added before there were a lot of (good!) rules about keywords. For example, the keywords for #1844 are "simple", "gorgeous", and "neat". None of those keywords are allowed on new patterns because they're subjective and don't actually tell you anything about the pattern. These keywords don't tell you that the pattern depicts an alligator, the pattern wouldn't show up in searches for alligator patterns, etc.

(No offense to the creator of this pattern--it's a cool pattern! And at the time of its creation, those keywords were acceptable. But there are better rules about what keywords are accepted now, and I think that that little alligator should be given a better chance to be found in searches for alligator patterns.)
2 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
@bennobee the reason why so many patterns only use these three keywords is that when admin removed a list of unacceptable keywords a while ago, he added these three keywords to all patterns that would have otherwise not had enough keywords to be submitted. I don't know when exactly that was, but it was before I joined and I only know because I got curious about all the patterns using just these three keywords so I asked 🙂