Moderator requirements
2 years, 8 months ago by slayqueen1
Hi! I just wanted to know what you need to do in order to be a moderator! So far I know that you have to be helpful in the forums for an extended period of time/have contributed a lot to the content on the site, and that you have to be 17+ but that’s all that I’ve found. I know a lot of people want to become a moderator and I think this would really help :] I was also wondering wether if a moderator stops making bracelets/using the site, will they be pushed down to bracelet king or still stay a moderator in case they return?
@knottahti @beaumont @_kinseyb @arf820 @pattncraft @innovate @madeleine_ @Tikilishi @Odanak1811 @clairehair @WTKaitlyn @Racoon @Margaron @KrazyKnotz @halokiwi @Admin
2 years, 8 months ago by Tikilishi
The best advice I have is just keep being active because you're having fun doing it! 🙂

As far as I know, we're not looking for any new moderators at the moment, because the amount of content that gets reviewed is balanced to the number of active moderators at the moment. If more users start using the site and there becomes more things to moderate than we can handle, then we'll probably need a new mod someday! 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by pablotimon
i think you have to be 17+ and be very active on forum and recognized by a current moderator. make patterns too!