✨🔄✨rotating patterns✨🔄✨
Bracelet King
2 years, 9 months ago by Kiwi_art
It would be nice to have the ability to rotate a whole alpha pattern in the generator without having to do it pixel by pixel, like if our pattern is declined and we have to turn it sideways

Also, it’d be nice to be able to rotate alpha patterns that were already submitted, like if I wanted to do a krazyknotz pattern but I’d like to it sideways / upside down. That way we can turn and use the bottom pattern not just the pixel art :]

Ty for coming to my Ted Talk <3
2 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
Once a pattern of yours has been declined because it needs to be rotated, in theory you should now know that patterns need to be upright and never need to rotate a pattern again. So a rotate button would be a thing that is only used one time at most and I'm not sure, if that would be worth the effort.
2 years, 8 months ago by gobcooties
I think this would be especially helpful for designing landscapes. If you're on a monitor, it's much more difficult to just use "lock rotation" and flip your screen than it would be on other handheld devices.