Straight Edges converter for normal patterns
3 years ago by B_Guard01
So this may be a little far fetched and not even remotely in the realm of possibility especially given that it shouldn’t have to be entirely necessary, but it would be amazing if there was a button for normal patterns you could click to convert it into the straight edges technique version. I understand conceptually how to do straight edges with normal patterns, but I have trouble actually use it correctly unless I can see it built into the pattern itself. I do understand this is more of a ‘me’ problem, but I’m just such a visual person! In any case, just thought I’d throw it out there 🙂
3 years ago by halokiwi
That's a good idea 🙂 You could also take a screenshot and draw the straight edges into the pattern on the screenshot 🙂 another option would be to copy the pattern onto graph paper and add them there