Pro choice/life patterns
Bracelet King
3 years ago by sage-wolf
Hi! I think we should ban pro choice/life patterns. I realize people work hard on them, but the creators only seem to recieve hate and the comments are filled with arguments. That’s not what bb is about. I recently commented on a pro choice pattern trying to back my claims, and I realize I shouldn’t have commented, but I was accused of eating babies. I didn’t appreciate that, and I’m sure none of the creators appreciate the hate that they get for these patterns. @halokiwi @KrazyKnotz
Bracelet King
3 years ago by crafter83
Thank you!!!A lot of us have been saying this for months. It’s not like we’re lacking in them |
Bracelet King
3 years ago by senor
agreed i don’t comment often on patterns but i just see the abundance of negativity on here because of these. and really, it’s just like one of those “we can’t have nice things” sort of situations. they should rly just be taken off bc ppl can’t be mature about controversial topics and it bringing a lot of just hate to this site.
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Kiwi_art
I get this, there is a ton of negativity in the comments sections on these patterns, but I don't think that we should be banning the patterns necessarily because that's telling the creators they aren't allowed speak their opinions here because they will start controversy. And tbh it's not the creators faults it's the people who are commenting who can't agree to disagree. What if we were to have moderation in the comments sections?
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Kiwi_art
Ik this probably won't be the easiest thing to do but yk it could help tremendously and if you want help I can even go thru and find all the pro-life pro-choice patterns and give them to yall mods, and every time a new one is made yall can take note to moderate those specific patterns.
Bracelet King
3 years ago by sage-wolf
@Tikilishi @Yellowfang u wanted to be tagged here
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Yellowfang
Ah, I agree. It just makes the site harder.
3 years ago by halokiwi
@Kiwi_art the comment section is already moderated
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Kiwi_art
@halokiwi ahh oki I didn't know that