innapropriate advertisements??
3 years ago by lars
i use this website a lot and love it, but a usually get advertisements off to the side, which isn't a problem, but lately there's been a lot of ads for bikini shops showing almost completely nude women, which is kinda weird considering there are young kids on this website, too. I'm also using my school laptop, and actually got in trouble for getting on this website because of the ads. other than that, the website and app are working fine for me, just maybe if there's a way to get rid of these types of advertisments that would help! 🙂
3 years ago by arf820
hi! thanks for letting us know! i sent your report to Admin, and he’s going to discuss with the ad provider regarding these ads you’ve been seeing. please let us know if you see any other inappropriate ads!
Bracelet King
3 years ago by peanutsv
@arf820 I have seen those too... Once was women in lingerie, but that was on Valentines day which was a weird occurrence, it made me feel really uncomfortable.
Bracelet King
3 years ago by _Ederle_
There have been a lot of weird ones showing really bad wedding dresses that were..too revealing. There have also been Victoria secret adds which are kind of inappropriate sometimes.
Bracelet King
3 years ago by peanutsv
@_Ederle_ yes i seen those
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
So I noticed these went away for a little bit, but now they’re back. I have screenshots if mods need them :]
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
@arf820 @KrazyKnotz @halokiwi I forgot to tag you in my message above :}
2 years, 10 months ago by xc2024
i’ve gotten them too @Kiwi_art i don’t really care, but ik it could be awkward for younger users
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
@xc2024 same, I don’t mind but I do know young kids are on here :}
2 years, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@xc2024 @Kiwi_art are the ads you are getting inappropriate for your own age or inappropriate in general?

If the ad is inappropriate in general or inappropriate for your own age, I'll let admin know so he can get in contact with our ad provider.

Everybody is getting shown different ads based on what Google assumes on you based on which websites you visit etc

You could do several different things
-block this specific ad (just click the little x at the top right and then the option to no longer see the ad)
-report the ad to Google
-opt out of personalised ads
-go to your ad settings and remove topics from there that you consider inappropriate for yourself
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
@halokiwi I think they’re inappropriate for kids, sometimes I get an ad that pops up (in the app) with a photo of a woman and an answer / decline call button. It’ll say something along the lines of “call a single woman today” and every once in a while there’s an add with someone wearing a bikini or swimwear ads (which that one makes sense based off websites I go to)
2 years, 9 months ago by xc2024
@halokiwi i opted outta personalized ads and i get the bathing suit one a lot, def think it could be inappropriate for kids, but like i said before i just ignore them. also if it matters i get them in the app. i don’t normally use the site unless i’m messing around with the generator