are homophobia/transphobia allowed on BB?
3 years, 1 month ago by doglefoxes
howdy!i just found a user whos bio included some really hateful homophobic and transphobic stuff but i couldnt find anything in the rules or on google about if that's allowed or not. should i report this user to a mod? also, is there any way to block them? thanks, and sorry if i said/did anything wrong, im new to the forums 😅😅 |
3 years, 1 month ago by arf820
please report the user to a mod and we will figure out how to best handle the situation. if it’s just the user’s bio, admin would be able to remove it. if you see any comments or forums or anything posted by the user that are homophobic/transphobic, please report that as well. 🙂 i