Idea // Checkboxes as you're doing rows/knots in normal bracelets
3 years, 1 month ago by Carolina21
I had an idea, maybe it has been said before

You're doing a normal pattern, it having few or lots of strings or knots, as you're going down the pattern,
you could check the checkbox so you don't loose yourself or the row you just did. (it could also be saved, so in a few days after, the checkbox it's still there)

Maybe you took a break, or you got tired, you just unfocused a bit like I do sometimes, or you're on autopilot mode and then wake up,
or you're just a beginner, whatever reason it may be it's normal to be confused trying to find the knots where you left off
(literally just happened to me with only 8 string 😂).

Also, it could be a check on the row, OR a check on the knot itself, I also find myself redoing the knots i just did ahah

This suggestions is an alternative that'd work for me and probably others, instead of just keep scrolling down,
or placing the mouse on top of the row number, or always repeating the row number so i don't loose myself,
it can work sometimes but it's not effective.

So yeah, that's my suggestion. 😊

Thank you!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by oceanknot
I take screenshots of the patterns I’m making so that I can edit where I stopped. It’s probably not as practical as a checkbox feature, but it works for me
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by Kiwi_art
What I do is I take a screenshot and I put it into procreate on my ipad, and every time I finish a row off I mark it off like you said above. Or if you have an apple device you can take a screenshot and go to edit the photo, click on the pencil icon and draw over the knots you just did. Not as convenient but it works really well to get the job done and I'm using my ipad for the website anyways. (: