5 years, 5 months ago by dreamerzzz
Everytime I want to log into braceletbook, i put in my username and password, and every single time i have to reset my password. It's very very annoying, and I just want to be able to log in without no issues. someone please help!
Bracelet King
5 years, 5 months ago by BeadGirl16
If you’re in the app, go to the login screen and under username and password there should be something that says, “♾ Log me in.” Switch it on and you hopefully won’t have to login again. If you’re on the website the only thing I could recommend is using a browser extension called LastPass. It will store every password connected to that email and all future ones that you add I do believe.
5 years, 5 months ago by Admin
Yes, exactly as @BeadGirl16 said. Except you shouldn't need to use LastPass. If you log in to the website, and close the window without logging out, you should be automatically logged in again when you open the website in the future. We don't have any known issues with login, and no one have yet reported similar issues to what you're having. May I ask what web browser are you using? I strongly recommend using Chrome. You shouldn't have any problems with it. Hope this helps 🙂.
5 years, 5 months ago by dreamerzzz
@Admin I use Chrome, and my parents don't want me downloading any extensions, so do you think there would be another way to do this?
5 years, 5 months ago by Admin
Yes, @dreamerzzz, as I wrote, you don't need any extensions for this to work. When you reset your password, and log in, you should be able to use this NEW password for every subsequent login attempt. Bear in mind that passwords are CaSe sEnSiTiVe, so make sure you're not typing it with caps lock on or something. Also, check if you're using the same keyboard layout each time. But if you don't log out from the page, you shouldn't even need to re-login when opening it up again.
5 years, 5 months ago by dreamerzzz
@Admin thank you for your help, today i successfully logged in without having to do forgot password. Thank you so much!
5 years, 5 months ago by Admin
No problem, I’m happy it helped! 🙂