Do I take a picture of the bracelet I copied and post it on its own page?
3 years, 5 months ago by Nicqelle
I don't know if I am supposed to take pics of bracelets I have copied or only take pics of the bracelets I have made up myself? I'm sorry. Just new here.
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by onarts_
If by copied you mean copied a color combination from someone or got inspired by someone but you still phisically made the bracelet you can totally post pictures of it!
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
Posting a photo of a physical bracelet you have made yourself: yes! It does not matter if you have copied it from someone else. We all take inspiration in the colours that we use and the patterns that we do. There isn't really such a thing as copying because even if you end up using the exact same pattern and the exact same colours there are probably still things that make your bracelet unique.

Posting a pattern that isn't yours and that you also haven't gotten permission to post from the original creator: no! Photos can only be posted to patterns. So if the pattern is not on braceletbook, you can't post the photo on here - at least not to that pattern. What you can do is post a photo of the bracelet that also includes another bracelet to the pattern of the other bracelet.