Variation Limit - Change Request
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Hulme
I understand having a daily submission limit for adding pattern variations, but could it be possible to create as many variations as we want and only limit the amount that we actually submitted to the site? I ask this because the variations are a great way to test color combos before actually committing myself to cutting strings.
I'm very indecisive when it comes to pattern selecting so the variation option is amazing for this 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by EliseM
I totally agree with you 😊 Sometimes I try about 20 variations for 1 pattern to set which one is the best, which color goes where ; I didn't decided when "wait until tomorrow to make other variations" Arrrgh 😭
I think that if you don't actually sbmit it to the site, you should be able to test as many as you want 🤔
Maybe the reason is about the data center, if too many people try too many variation the site dies ^^' 🤔
3 years, 8 months ago by halokiwi
The reason for the limit is to not overwhelm the moderators with the amount of patterns they need to review. By limiting the amount of variations each user can add in a day, the amount of patterns that need to be reviewed lowers. @EliseM

How I understand it both your issue is mainly with wanting to test out colour combinations of a pattern you want to knot. Since currently the times you can click the "add variation" button is limited, I recommend to lower the amount of times you actually use it. Instead of starting a new variation for each new colour combination, take a screenshot of your old colour combination and then change the colours of the same variation.

Theoretically the amount of variations you can submit in a day is currently not actually limited because you can submit variations without ever clicking the "add variation button". You can also add variations by manually copying the knots into the generator. The generator will recognize it as a variation as long as the knotting structure is identical to the original pattern. You could potentially also use this to test out colour combinations when you have run into the variations limit.

I will definitely tell admin about your idea. Something else I can imagine is a separate "test colours" mode that works like "add a variation" but where you cannot actually submit the pattern.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Hulme
@halokiwi YES! Just a "Test Colors" option 😂 my current predicament it that an order wants a light blue and black pattern, but I cannot decide which pattern those colors look best on. Hence my most recent variation submissions lol Those were all the ones I though I FOR SURE wanted to use, but I don't know now lol
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by EliseM
@halokiwi Oh okay, I understand better. Thank you for responding and for the tips 😊
A "test color" option would be amazing, i'll try what you suggested for now ^^