complaint for offensive designs
3 years, 9 months ago by GigiHamer
How does one go about reporting an offensive design?There’s a “pro choice” bracelet pattern that has been uploaded. I believe it was #87617 or the likes. It clearly is causing a stir in the comments section and I don’t believe it should be allowed to be put up on the site for some violation that you would have in t&c’s for offensive material/causing offense. Etc. Please see to this matter as it’s definitely not something I appreciate being shown on bracelet book and would make me reconsider using the site if that’s not in violation of something. Thanks Georgina |
3 years, 9 months ago by arf820
hey! thank you for your concern. we do allow both pro-life and pro-choice patterns since they do not violate our political patterns rule that states that any content supporting or representing a political party or candidate will not be accepted. to answer your first question, you can private message a moderator to report an offensive pattern and they will bring your report to the admin. i hope this helps! 🙂
3 years, 8 months ago by Johnnamay
i agree with the topic but this app is the wrong place to put those patterns. this is for kids making bracelets not for political views
3 years, 8 months ago by roundcat
I had the same complaint about the Antivax and Israeli vs. Palistine patterns I've been seeing. Basically it seems any political message is fine as long as you don't mention names or parties. Kind of defeats the purpose since the platforms are still allowed to be billboarded across the site.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by sampuv00
I don't understand all the complaining around the political bracelets and whatnot. Firstly, you can scroll past them if you don't like them and you don't have to make them. Problem solved. Moreover, you cannot censor what YOU think is bad politically and then not censor for others. Ive seen this in some other comment sections that the argument is "you can't do a pro-life bracelet" or "you can't do a pro-choice bracelet" because its a political topic but you can do a BLM bracelet because its about equality and human rights. Well, so is the pro-life/pro-choice argument. So, where do you draw the line? You need to understand what you're asking the mods the do. Its too much to expect these people on here to be trying to sift through what they think is a politically acceptable and what isn't. Thats subjective. Besides, its not like the pro-life bracelets are pixel art of aborted fetuses. So grow up and take responsibility for yourself. If a simple bracelet that says PRO LIFE on it offends you, not only are you gonna have bigger problems in real life, then maybe you shouldn't be a website with user-created content if you're so easy triggered.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Godluvsu
@sampuv00 exactly. It’s way, way to subjective. The current rule they have now is great because it is very simple and lays out a rule that doesn’t discriminate. However, They recently deleted a few pro- police patterns because they were too “political.” How is this too political and BLM not? Or how is that too political and the Palestine/ Israel ones not? Just because people decide to argue in the comments doesn’t mean you should have a pattern taken down. If I want to make a pattern that supports police (like my uncle) than I should be able to use a creators pattern. If someone wants to make a pattern that supports BLM then they should also have a pattern (they do.) It’s just not cool to “decide” what political and not. It’s subjective based on who you support. That is why I believe the rules they have currently are great enough. If you let a simple pattern offend you, then you should not be on here.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Tango27
@sampuv00 @Godluvsu yes it’s not filtering anything it’s more control of thinking to get rid of things you don’t agree with… I think the rules are fine
3 years, 8 months ago by Astro_Kn0t
I agree with both @Godluvsu and @sampuv00 it’s not that hard to scroll by. I find it a bit frustrating to see people hating on others because of their views. No one is going to have the same perspective as another. The easiest way to deal with this is to just scroll by and skip to patterns you might make.