Couple of suggestions for submitting patterns 😚
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Paris113
So I think that whenever you make a pattern that gets declined the first time and gets re-submitted, it should be a separate folder for admins then just “patterns”, so that moderators can know which ones are a quote “priority”. This way if you make a pattern that you’re proud of and think other people can enjoy but it gets declined, your pattern doesn’t get pushed to the bottom of the stack. This is also completely unrelated but I think that when you submit a pattern you should still be able to see it in “Create a Pattern” just under pending. That way you can still see your own pattern in case you wanted to go ahead and start making the bracelet after you submitted but before it gets accepted. If this does get implemented, I think there should be an option to unsubmit if you either don’t like your pattern or if you want to make small tweaks to it.
3 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
It would not be fair to put previously declined patterns at the beginning of the queue. It would also slow down the acceptance rate of patterns that get submitted and are acceptable the first time which I don't think is desirable because if all patterns were like that it would safe us lots of time and work.

My recommendation is to make yourself familiar with the guidelines so you know which patterns will and won't get accepted. With a certain level of experience and knowledge you will be able to get to an almost 100% percent acceptance rate.

I think it makes more sense to encourage users to submit "perfect" patterns the first time than all ow them to submit unfinished patterns with the knowledge that they'll be fast to be reviewed if they get declined and then resubmitted.

My recommendation for you would be to take a screenshot before submitting a pattern. This way you can still access it while it is in the review process.