3 years, 10 months ago by obieegg
Hi. So I was looking at some bracelet book reviews and I read one of them and I noticed something. The mods always make a lot of bracelets that are exactly the same with like one small change and it takes up all of the new patters and whenever people put in a pattern the mods always decline it even if it’s a perfect ally goof pattern. I also know that not all mods do this but there are some who I feel like do. They make a lot of patterns and decline everyone else’s patters besides other mods. Just wanted to share how I (and some other people) feel.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by crafter83
Mods can’t accept their own patterns, another mod has to accept theirs.So their is no conspiracy of them accepting all their patterns and declining all of yours |
3 years, 10 months ago by halokiwi
This topic has been discussed before.In short: we mods do not have advantages in getting our patterns accepted compared to other users. But we are very familiar with the guidelines and the requirements to get a pattern accepted - if we weren't, we wouldn't be qualified to be moderators - so our patterns do get accepted at a higher rate, but that is because of our knowledge of the guidelines, not because of us being moderators. Any user could post a similar amount of patterns as some of the mods do. An example for regular users who post lots of patterns is for example Aracne, so it is not just us mods. |