"Sorry, but the knots can't be changed on a pattern created from an existing one."??
3 years, 11 months ago by tx
Hello. New to site. New to knotting.I wanted to tweak a pattern with the generator to see how it would look. I was able to change the colors, but the changes necessitate changing a couple of the knots from f & b to fb & bf. This is because the changes result in two adjacent strings becoming different colors when they were originally the same colors. I was unable to find a way to do that with the Normal pattern generator, so I tapped on the Interactive Normal one. But when I'm in there, I get the error message, "Sorry, but the knots can't be changed on a pattern created from an existing one." Is that by design? Or am I doing something wrong? Is there some way to do what I'm trying to do? I cannot find help/tutorial on tweaking patterns with the generator, sorry, so I'm asking here. Thanks! Tx |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Knots_EM
Unfortunately you are unable to tweak a pattern via the "add a variation" button, only the colours. If you want to tweak a pattern the best you can to is manually create a copy of the existing pattern in the generator then make the changes from there. I hope this helps 🙂
3 years, 11 months ago by tx
Thanks very much for replying!What I have been able to see confirms what you are saying. But I've read through the FAQ and review guidelines and, unless I'm reading it wrong, my understanding is that if a different knot structure is used resulting in the exact, same pattern, it should be submitted as a variation of the original pattern. I haven't tried to do this as a "new" pattern so perhaps that is what it's telling me to do. I would have just assumed that variations are submitted by the "tweaking" feature of the generator. Submitting or getting approved isn't even my goal here however; I just want a generated preview of it lol Tx again 😁👍 |
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
Hi, if the knotting structure is different from the original pattern the generator would not recognise it as a variation and it would be added as a completely new pattern. For this reason it is not possible to change knots when adding a variation to an existing pattern because the database would potentially be flooded with lots of patterns wit very similar knotting structures and we mods might accidentally accept patterns that are too similar to others because patterns like these would be submitted a lot more.
3 years, 11 months ago by tx
Thank you halokiwi. Kia ora?I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. I do understand not wanting variations of an established pattern submitted as new patterns. That would presumably take up a lot of time to moderate. So are you saying that you do (the community does) not want any variations on patterns if the variation uses a different knotting structure *and* produces the exact, same pattern? Under normal circumstances, I can see why that would make sense. Please allow me to explain the circumstances of this case and perhaps you can explain what options are available. The (normal) pattern uses 16 strings and 5 colors. As it has been published, it uses 7 strings of color A, 4 of B, 2 of C & D, and 1 of E. Unless I'm mistaken - and I wanted to use the generator to verify this - the knotting structure could be slightly altered to produce the same pattern with 8 strings of color A and 2 of each of the other 4. I think it's obvious why that would be beneficial, *if* I am correct. I can make this change in my head and in practice, but is it possible to do it with the generator as well? As I said before, I'm not looking to take any credit here, I just wanted to use the resources available. Tx again! |
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
If a pattern looks identical to an already existing pattern it will be declined for being too similar to that pattern. Each pattern posted to braceletbook has to be unique. Duplicate patterns are not valuable.If your pattern looks different (which based on your description it does) and cannot be added as a variation to the original pattern because the knotting structure is different it is alright to post it as a new pattern but I recommend asking the original creator if it is alright for them that you post that pattern because it is so similar. If you tell me what the pattern number is and what the change is you've made I can tell you if it is likely that it would be accepted, It is currently not possible to add variations that have different knotting structures than the original pattern and I also don't think that this feature will be added because it would be difficult to decide when a pattern is similar enough and when it is too different. Your only current option would be to make a new pattern. You can tag me by putting @ before my username btw. If you do that I'll get a notification. |
3 years, 11 months ago by tx
Thank you!Very thorough answer, and I do understand now. As I said, I'm not looking for credit or looking to copy someone else's hard work. I just wanted to know if what I wanted to do couldn't be done or if I was not understanding how to do it. It's good to know I wasn't just being naive lol. I will post my suggested change in the comments of the original pattern and leave it up to the creator to decide if it's a change worthy of submitting. Thank you very much for the informative feedback! ➕⬆️👍 |
3 years, 11 months ago by demonspong
I understand why certain patterns are rejected for sure and do not think the mods are too strict. However, I do wish there was a way to save a pattern that will not be published but I can still see. Like if I want to make a Spotify bracelet, I can, but it won’t be published for other people to view unless it is approved by a mod. Just a thought!
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@demonspong you can just keep the pattern in your drafts and it will be saved there.