Rejected Patterns
Super Moderator
6 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I was just wondering if there is a way to know exactly why a pattern is rejected? Like if there are too many colors or something?
Bracelet King
6 years ago by TESTERBEN
I'm not an admin, but I'll try to give information based off of my experience. Some patterns may have too many strings or knots, and for some reason they don't accept patterns that don't have the strings match the top and bottom. Sometimes, the admin would write a description why, but usually they won't. Like I said earlier, this is based off of my experience, so it may not be correct.
Super Moderator
6 years ago by KrazyKnotz
@TESTERBEN That is my understanding too. I guess I was wondering more about Alpha patterns, which don't usually have a description.
Bracelet King
6 years ago by TESTERBEN
@KrazyKnotz When I was making the alphabet alpha pattern I posted, there was a message saying that the size of the pattern may be a reason to why it's rejected. When I tried uploading my first alpha pattern, however, it just got rejected, even though it was fairly sized. I'm guessing that the pattern has to look good because that pattern wasn't the best, to be honest.