Temporarily/permanently banning controversial patterns
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
So lately there have been a rise in controversial patterns. I am sure that most of the people reading this know what they are, and i am just sick of people repeatedly arguing (yes arguing not debating) about their opinions in the comments, rating them badly just because they dont agree with the message. I am sincerely requesting that these patterns be banned. It can be harrowing towards younger users, because this site is almost always friendly and positive. Also, this is a site to make bracelets, not spread political opinions which are in the end going to cause more arguments and negativity. There are a many other reasons to ban these patterns but i am not going to list all of them because there are too many.

Please take into consideration, @Admin
Bracelet King
4 years ago by zoeyllm
I think any social issue can be considered political, but the real issue is the comment section not the patterns. I think these patterns should still exist because people should be able to express their opinion. That being said, the comment issues often get into some heavy politics and arguments. A better solution, in my opinion, would be to disable comments on these posts.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
Ohk yeah i definitely think that's a better idea 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
I don't think it would be fair to these creators to completely remove the patterns just because people want to argue and get very rude in the comments. Instead, a good alternative I think would be like what @zoeyllm said with disabling the comment section on patterns like that, or adding a feature where you can block tags you don't want to see like you can on other websites

If we blocked patterns you don't want to see it would still allow for positive comments from those who do support it!! And it would eliminate the need for people to say "if you don't like it scroll past it" because you can block it for yourself

if there are others in the comment section after that were still being rude and hateful, then at that point it can be taken up with a moderator or admin himself because they're purposefully trying to spread hate, and that's against the rules
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
@Deer-Teeth, yeah i agree with @zoeyllm and your suggestion, its much better than mine. Sorry im just annoyed at how these patterns are becoming hateful and controversial places. I think your ideas are a better option than banning patterns.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Godluvsu
@zoeyllm I totally agree 10000000%. They should be there if you want to make them, but I’m starting to think disabling comments would be a great idea.