Glitch with the Interactive Normal Generater
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Jdog12525
Hi! Thank you so much @Admin for implementing the interactive generator. However I have noticed a glitch.
When I try to add/remove columns on the left side, the column gets removed/added to the right side. So it does the task but on the opposite side.
Hopefully this can get fixed so our patterns don’t get off centered 😃. Thank you!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by zoeyllm
Thanks for bringing this up, I noticed it too but I thought it was just me.
4 years ago by halokiwi
Hi, when I first tried the interactive generator I noticed that too and was quite confused about it but admin explained to me why he did it like this. I'm sure I can't explain it as well as he did but I'm going to try 😄

You know how there are two ways patterns are structured depending on if the string amount is even or uneven. In patterns with even strings you have one more knot in the uneven rows while in patterns with uneven strings you have the same amount of knots in each row. To switch from a pattern with an uneven amount of strings to an even amount of strings you have to add a knot in the even rows but looking at the even rows you will see that the first knot is not the knot at the edge and this is what causes the generator to do this weird thing. To switch from uneven to even you have to add a knot in the uneven rows but this knot will be added on the left of the current knots and push the knots of the uneven rows to the right. If adding strings didn't work like this it would mess the structure of the pattern up.

I'm sure admin will fix this eventually but until then I can give you the tip that the pattern won't be messed up if you add two strings on the left

4 years ago by Admin
Thank you @halokiwi, I think you explained it perfectly 🙂.

To add a knot to the left side, and not mess up the pattern, you would have to also 'move' the rows by 1 (moving the top row to the bottom of the pattern) and then tweaking the colors accordingly. Which wasn't yet possible at the time I was implementing that feature. So that's why it's currently working as it is. Will definitely take a look at it in the future 🙂.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Jdog12525
@halokiwi @Admin Oooooh, ok. Thank you guys for explaining!!! I’ll try these tips out 😀
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Rainfade17
Hi hello i just wanted to say the interactive normal generator is really great add-on in the site.mhmm i just notice that after the space knot was added on it became kinda glitchy on pc (when you hover the pointer over the knots to change it, it flies away.. haha not the correct term but i hope you get my point) but works just fine on tab/phone/ipad.
4 years ago by Admin
Thank you for the report @Rainfade17. May I ask what web browser you're using? Seems to work correctly in all the major ones like Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Opera. I would definitely like to reproduce it and fix it 🙂. Please tag me when replying so that I'll get a notification. Thank you a lot! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Rainfade17
@Admin It does "fly away" when i zoom out on the page but when it's on actual size or zoomed in it doesn't do that. I'm using safari web browser. 🙂
4 years ago by Admin
Thanks a lot @Rainfade17! 🙂 I will look into this asap! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Rainfade17
@Admin thank you! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
4 years ago by Admin
@Rainfade17 I've just fixed the bug, thank you very much for letting me know! 🙂 Should be all good now 🎉 It was actually happening only in Safari, and only when zoomed, hehe. good catch 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Rainfade17
@Admin thank you so much! 🥰🥰