Any Political Patterns Shouldn't be Accepted Anymore page 2
3 years, 11 months ago by spriinkles
I totally agree, I have strong opinions on the topic but it has turned into a political topic!
3 years, 11 months ago by spriinkles
@Jdog12525 oh that’s a good point!
3 years, 11 months ago by Knotterer7
I agree
3 years, 11 months ago by demonspong
Maybe there could be a content warning before you can view the “political” pattern. A lot of people on this site are kids, but, as an adult, I want to be able to make cool political patterns made by my cool political friends.
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@demonspong the issue with political content (the one we we refer to in our guidelines, content depicting or referencing political candidates or parties) is not that they aren't appropriate for all ages, but that they cause conflicts and because of that they stand against the positive and welcoming vibe we want to have here on braceletbook. That also applies to some other topics since we stand against censorship it is unlikely that we would forbid more content unless it escalates.

We also do not accept content that isn't appropriate for all ages but that is a separate rule. I think an age filter would be good but that had to be implemented first and there is always the risk of people just giving wrong information to be able to see more content. A filter like this would also not lead to us allowing content depicting or referencing political candidates or parties again since the main issue still stands. We would also always have to check a person's age when they submit a pattern that is not appropriate for younger users. If they want to post a pattern that's not appropriate for their age should they be allowed to post it or not? Are you able to see your own patterns that are not appropriate for your own age or not? What do we do with people who are found out to trick the system?
3 years, 11 months ago by demonspong
@halokiwi I totally understand what you’re saying about an age filter and the issues that would come from it. Even some of the “political patterns” I see beyond political candidates seem to be an issue for OP. The warning doesn’t need to be explicitly an age restriction either. It could also just be a warning for the pattern saying that it’s “political” (pro-choice, BLM, etc.). Those topics are still appropriate for all ages and experienced by all ages. Instead of an actual censor, someone submitting could put one of their required tags as “political”. Then in settings, a person can toggle if they want to see those patterns with that tag or not.
3 years, 11 months ago by abbiek
@Deuken while you are correct that the bracelet tying community is very supportive for the most part, you have to remember that there are people in every community that don’t support specific things. so in this sense, lgbtq+ would have to count as political because many people don’t agree with it. while i understand what you are saying, you have to remember that not everyone thinks the same.