Bracelet King
4 years ago by clar
how do you/who can make tutorials? i'd really like to make one, but i cant yet :/
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
I've never made a tutorial but from what I understand, you have to prepare it in a word document or as a pdf, and it should follow the same structure as tutorials that have already been submitted (image/video, title, text). Then you send it along with your username via email which you can get off a moderator/super moderator, and then it'll be reviewed. I am not sure if you have to be a certain rank to submit one, but I don't think you do but you could ask a mod to be sure, or maybe someone else will know the answer to that part of your question.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by clar
@Someone_ thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
I’ve never submitted a tutorial, but according to the FAQ “Adding tutorials to the site is possible, but the process is a little bit more difficult than adding all the other content. If you'd like to add one, you first have to prepare it in a word document or a pdf. It would be great if it follows the same structure that our current tutorials have. They're divided into steps, and each step can contain an image/video, title, and text. After all of this is done, and your tutorial is ready, just can send it to us via email. If you don't have our email address yet, please contact an admin to obtain it. Also please don't forget to mention your username, and how difficult you consider your tutorial to be. After receiving your tutorial, our moderators will take a look on it, and if everything's fine, it will be posted to the site.” I’m also pretty sure you can message any mod to get the email address |