Only 1 photo per pattern?
7 years, 8 months ago by frenchie63
Hi!Some days ago I sent a picture of a bracelet, but it was declined because I already posted a picture on the pattern. I don't understand why the same person can't make 2 bracelets with the same pattern and post both pictures. Especially since my 2 bracelets were different (dark blue and pale blue // black and turquoise) so it was clearly not twice the same picture... 😐 |
Bracelet King
7 years, 8 months ago by N0P3
Well, I posted two pictures of the same pattern, I don't know why yours was declined.
Bracelet King
7 years, 8 months ago by Johny
Hi, Can you posted it again and I will look at it properly. Maybe it was only my mistake or maybe it was too much similar.
7 years, 8 months ago by frenchie63
okay I will post it again. Maybe it looked similar but it was not the same bracelet 😉