petition link to add more moderators + consider adding moderators under age 17
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue

the moderators we have right now are doing the best they can, but we need more to get things approved just a little bit faster and we think that responsible/active users under age 17 should be considered to become a moderator because there are many users under 17 that contribute positively to the bracelet book community and would be great at being a leader on this website! please share this link if you support this cause 😄
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
Patterns are currently reviewed in less than 24h and we don't struggle to keep up with that. If we did struggle with that we would definitely add more moderators. That it takes days until something is approved is untrue. The only section where it can take a bit longer is the video section because we need to watch the videos.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
@halokiwi i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to offend u or discredit all the work you and your team do. i haven't submitted a pattern in awhile, but i remember that the last time i did, it did get accepted within a day. i should have been more specific when i said that it takes days for things to be accepted. i meant photos. i submitted a photo three days ago and it hasn't been accepted or declined yet. this is what i meant when i said that. also, this petition is mostly about letting responsible users under age 17 be considered to become a moderator instead of only letting people age 17 and up (i get the reasoning behind this, but there are many users under age 17 that really want to be moderators, would do a great job, are really active on the site, and are responsible). if u have any questions or concerns please let me know, but again, i didn't mean to discredit everything the moderators do.

hope u have a nice day ❤️
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
Photos should be accepted in under 24h as well. If you submitted a photo and it's not accepted within a day the upload did not work and I recommend resubmitting it.

The reason why moderators should be at least 17 is not only responsibility but also maturity. There is always the chance that content gets submitted that would not be appropriate for younger people to see.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
@halokiwi oh okay, i'll resubmit my photo but a friend of mine also submitted her photo a few days ago and it hasn't been accepted yet so i'm not sure what's happening. about the maturity thing, i didn't even think about the content being inappropriate for younger users... that's a really good point. i mean there's still a lot of people who want to be moderators and i don't think that will change, but i hope when i become of age (or if the age guidelines somehow change 🤞) i'm still into bracelets. maybe, possibly, and hopefully there's a new way to prevent people from submitting mature content soon, so i'm still hoping to get lots of signatures on the petition, bc i really want to be a part of the team or at least able to be considered, but for now, thank u for taking the time to respond to this forum post. 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
@halokiwi also i just noticed, but congrats on the new super moderator rank!
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
Thank you 😄 and I'm glad I could clear this up!
4 years, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
Hi @tBlue! I just want to add something in addition to what @halokiwi said.

While we may not be ready to add anyone new to the team just yet, there are actually many ways that each of you can help us out with the moderating process whenever you want 😄

If you want to help us out, here are some things you can do:

1. When reporting a user, have screenshots of the incident ready to send to us. This helps the report to be resolved faster.

2. When submitting patterns, photos, and variations, double check to make sure everything coincides with our guidelines to the best of your ability. The less items we decline, the faster the review process can go.

3. Helping to answer user's questions in the forums. This can help us moderate individual comments and forum posts quicker.

This is all I can think of for now, but there's probably more ways 🙂

Even if it seems like patterns or photos aren't being reviewed, there are often other things happening behind the scenes as well, regarding keeping the site and community safe, tidy, and clean 🙂

Helping us out with these things can definitely make a difference! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
@Tikilishi yes! that makes sense! i try to do those things so hopefully, i can help y'all out a little bit 😄 but i just had an idea that maybe could be a compromise between the two things... i sent a message to @krazyknots about this, but i wanted to share it with u and @halokiwi as well. let me know if u think this could be something to add in the future...

do u think there's a way we could add another rank so that people under age 17 can sort of become a moderator? like people with this rank could have some responsibilities such as accepting/declining photos and accepting/declining variations? since the photos would be of patterns already submitted, there wouldn't be inappropriate content which could get bracelet book in legal trouble and the same thing with the variations. all the moderators are already doing an amazing job, but i've noticed that recently, my photos have been taking a few days to get accepted (which is totally okay ik y'all are doing the best u can!!) and i think that there are many users on here that would be more than happy to help with this part of the website. i hope this makes sense and if u have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

idk if this is needed but i, along with many others would LOVE to help out with accepting/declining photos and variations so maybe this could be an idea? let me know what u think and thanks so so much for your consideration ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
oops sorry meant to tag @krazyknots
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
oopss sry idk why i keep tagging the wrong person but i meant to tag @KrazyKnotz 😂
4 years, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
I think that currently, there isn't a way to separate variations from patterns during the review process unfortunately. This was an idea that we talked about previously 🙂 so it isn't a bad idea at all, it just isn't possible at the moment.
And while it doesn't happen terribly often, innapropriate photos have gotten submitted before.

The best way that you can help out right now is being active on the site and trying out the aforementioned things to help 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
@Tikilishi ok! i hope that maybe the admin can add that feature eventually, but for now i'll just try to help out as much as i can. thanks for considering!! 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by GenMalucci
I think the moderators do a fantastic job, and almost all of them seem pretty responsible as far as I can see. My patterns and photos have always been accepted quickly and if it takes a few hours, well, they also have to moderate a whole entire website. I don’t think we should be signing petitions to get more mods because the ones we have already do a fantastic job! 😉😁
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by tBlue
@GenMalucci yep! i know they do a great job, and they usually accept things really fast, but i started it bc there are a few of my friends and i that have had a different experience recently (which is totally ok ik they have a website to run) but this petition was mainly about getting people under 17 to be considered to become a moderator but after halokiwi brought up the thing about the stuff that gets submitted sometimes being inappropriate, i tried to come up with a compromise. and as i said to halokiwi, i’m not discrediting the work they did, i just want people under 17 to be considered to become moderators (with not all the privileges, but there’s not a way to do that yet so hopefully soon but for now it’s ok) i hope that makes sense!