Add a way to count the base strings differently?
4 years ago by Esemplastc
Some patterns are big enough to make as wall hangings, but when you click on a pattern that is in "landscape" view and the page only tells you how many base strings it'll be if you make it sideways you have to count the pixel squares yourself. That can be quite difficult if the pattern is pretty wide. And I know there are some people on this site who have disabilities, like dyslexia, that would have a hard time trying to count. It would be nice if there was a button you could press that switches the alpha pattern to different orientations, that way you don't have to count things yourself.

If you still don't understand what I mean take a look at this pattern: #11138

The page only counts how many base strings it'll be if you make it sideways, not in the upright way the picture is framed as. I'd have to physically count each square which isn't easy cause my eyes get dizzy sometimes.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
That's already implemented really. If you look at the pattern you referenced, the dimensions are 33x55. 55 is the amount of rows, so that will be the amount of base strings you will need if you make it landscape. 🙂
4 years ago by Esemplastc
@Someone_ Ugh I feel so stupid 🙈 Thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
Aw you aren't stupid. I didn't realise that was the case at first. You're welcome! 😊