Pinning Forum Topics
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
A lot of people want a search bar in forum topics, but that might be a little too much for admin to handle right now.

I want to start participating in monthly and weekly challenges from the site, but I can't ever find them because a million and one different people want to hold challenges of their own which is fine!!!

I think moderators, super moderators, and admin should be able to pin topics in forums so they're easier to find, not only for the challenges menu but also for anything else, for example when @halokiwi posted a bunch of valentine day patterns for people to look at

This way other users can find these things and it shouldn't be as much coding as adding an entire search bar (i think?)

If someone has already recommended this I'm sorry! I didn't mean to repeat or steal anyone's idea
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by zoeyllm
In my very limited experience, a search bar would take less time to make than a pinning method. There is already search code in the website in the patterns sections, so it would probably not be as hard to do as implementing a new feature. On the other hand, the admin has a full time job, and I don’t think this website is his top priority.
I do think that pinning topics would be a great addition to the website, though. 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by eva-seria
Or alternatively, maybe the someone could link to the official challenge forum page on a blog post and delete it after the challenge is done?