Suggestion: Hiding Designs/Tags
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
There are many designs on here that don't break community guidelines that many people don't want to see. Instead of asking for the pattern to be removed, I think it would be helpful to add a button of some sort that says "I don't want to see this" a common thing that a lot of people say is to leave the pattern alone and ignore it, but that can be very hard to do!! Having this option means that people can scroll safely through patterns without seeing the design, just like you can block certain topics on other apps. Maybe even being able to block certain tags. a lot of designs are political, and not wanting to see something like that is perfectly understandable, so possibly adding that feature could remove a lot of hatred as well as be a better experience for anyone else using the website. this would be a lot of work, so I understand if this couldn't be implemented, but I still think that this would be very useful and would make the website a lot more enjoyable as well as safer for the mentality of others |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by zoeyllm
I don’t actually think there are many political patterns. If you mean LGBTQ+ or BLM, the moderator community has made it clear that they support these things and will be accepting patterns like this as long as they are not word patterns. I do think that this would be quite a lot of work, as anything involving coding is, and the admin has a full time job so it would be best to just ignore them. We don’t want there to be extra work that’s not necessary.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Elise64
Ya that’s a really good idea! I think that would probably block fights on a lot of patterns if you could just block patterns with certain tags!
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
@zoeyllm there are a lot of political patterns. things such as:back the blue black lives matter pro-life pro choice LGBT+ as well as a lot of different flags, I see the american flag many times on this site. I also see some religious designs mentioning jesus n such. there is also a design that is currently up that people are trying to take down ( #70955 ) that got accepted. and designs such as #59332 or #53114 (one has a cross and the ; for depression, the others has the words sober) which seeing those can be triggering due to anyone's past. patterns like these can be harming for others to see. personally seeing a lot of these designs gets my blood pumping and its not healthy for me or for others. there are lots of people who will comment "no ❤️" on a pattern for no reason other then to say "this is terrible I don't like it" and that can be very harming for the creator as well when they get comments like that. I understand its a lot of work which is why I'm saying it doesn't HAVE to be done, but it would curve many arguments that happen on here as well as provide a safer space for many of us. I know those patterns get accepted and rightfully so! everyone should be able to make patterns on topics that they want. But if someone on the BLM side of things see's a back the blue pattern it can upset them a lot and its very hard to ignore things like that. Having this feature would allow those who support blm to not see the back the blue patterns, for pro-lifers to not see pro-choice patterns, and so on. this feature would keep arguments down a lot because i you don't want to see it then you won't!! i don't want any extra work either, I was just stating that I thought it would help a lot of the issues on this sight. moderators have to read through argument after argument on those posts and it can hurt them mentally. so not only would this help the people who use this sight, but also those who run it |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by zoeyllm
I think that LGBTQ+, depression and BLM patterns should not be taken down because they are affirming certain groups. However, there are some patterns that are actually political. I don't really see the religion patterns as a problem either. About the body positivity one, it shouldn't be taken down because it's not in appropriate, its just affirming people who are not confident in their bodies.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
@zoeyllm hey I said this before and I will again, I'm not asking for them to be taken down???????? at all????
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
@zoeyllm the idea is to mute certain keywords for yourself so you won't see patterns that use them not to remove certain patterns for everyone. For example on twitter you can mute a word and then you won't see any tweets using that word. Deer-Teeth is suggesting we do something similar on braceletbook which I think is a great idea. It would help make braceletbook more positive because it's more easy to avoid things you might not want to see and people might get into arguments less.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by CakeCup
i think this would be super useful! there some things I personally don't want to see (I will not mention them for obvious reasons) so this would be super useful to filter those patterns out! 👍
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by 2006_Mandy
I love this idea and wholeheartedly agree. I know that I don’t want to see some patterns on this site that some might and vice versa so this would definitely be helpful!
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
@halokiwi thank you for explaining it better!! That’s exactly what I mean, I don’t want anyone thinking I want these designs taken off the website. The whole idea is to give a better experience to those using this website, especially if you’re on the younger side of things. @CakeCup @2006_Mandy I’m glad you agree!! I know I only mentioned a few but there are other topics and designs on here that can be harmful for you even if they’re not political (I.e. seeing a design about sunflowers might trigger your emotions and remind you of something bad that happened to someone you loved because you associate the flower with the memory of them) I see lilies all over the place and it makes me cry because it reminds me of my mother, I haven’t seen any Lillie designs on here so far but if I did I know that it would be very hard for me to ignore the pattern. Every time I scroll to find a new pattern to make I would see it and get upset all over again. @zoeyllm I’m sorry if it sounded like I wanted patterns to be blocked, it’s more of how halokiwi described it
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by amwatson
This is a really great idea. I know that there is a lot of patterns out there that can cause controversy and it would be better if the people who didn’t agree with them had them muted and that way they wouldn’t feel the need to comment or engage in an argument over certain topics.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by zoeyllm
@Deer-Teeth @halokiwi I’m really sorry for not understanding! Maybe I shouldn’t respond to forums at 12 am 😂
4 years, 1 month ago by PandaParty
I think this is a pretty good idea for some people. I personally would not use it.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
@PandaParty if you don’t use it that’s okay!! Not everyone uses those tools on other apps. It would be there for those of us who need it/ who would use it and I’m really glad you agree!