Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Elwen
Is it possible a section in the forums could be created for people who just need to talk about anxiety, depression, and things like that? Some things might scare younger users, but sometimes people really need to talk about it. It isn't alway bad enough that you need help, but maybe you just need to talk about what you are going through. I have seen people talk about this many times on this site, and I think this would help a lot of people.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Elwen
@Admin Please consider this
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
Hello Elwen,We already have the community and other section in which you can talk about things that are not related to friendship bracelets. Those are the only two sections that are not specifically about friendship bracelet making. The community section is meant for connecting with other users. The "other" section is meant for anything that doesn't fit into any of the other sections. It would not make sense to add a whole new section for something that is not bracelet related because there are already places to talk about it (community and other). Adding a section like this would also change the work we mods need to do. A section like this would potentially be very negative. I already find it very difficult to review certain topics and I think needing to review a section like this would seriously drag me down. A section like this would also potentially encourage to talk about topics that are triggering or otherwise not appropriate. Since we mods are not specialised on mental health I can't imagine that many of us would be willing to moderate a section like this because of the big responsibility it would be. I hope you can understand this and aren't upset |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Elwen
@halokiwi I understand, thank you for replying so quickly 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
Hey!! Like what halokiwi said, that would be a whole lot of extra strain on others. Moderators already do so much for the community, moderating another section on mental health would probably be more harmful than good. Also, there are young audiences on here that could be hurt by seeing stuff like that. As well as seeing people vent on this website, there are many out there that are willing to listen 🙂 such as myself. If you would like to talk you can always put in the forum “other” or “community” that you need someone to vent to, and many will answer saying that they are available to listen. Others can see that forum topic and message the users listed as well! My dms are always open, I understand needing someone to talk to about stuff! it can be easier to open up to people online than in person because you don’t have to see them everyday lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Elwen
@Deer-Teeth I don't have problems I need to talk about, I have been seeing other people talk about it and that's why I thought it might be beneficial, so user who don't want to see it don't have to. I appreciate the offer, but I don't need to talk about anything 🙂