Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
SO this one might be stretching it, but its something that I think would be nice We should be able to change a design (in the same section you change the colors in) but not be able to post it The reason why I say this is because I found a couple of patterns that I really like!! But I want to add a little extra or change a small part of the design, but I don't have the time to go into my patterns and make it all over again just to add a little something different, especially when it's big or complicated designs like #68527 and #68125 We wouldn't be able to post it, but it could be set up where we have a category of these "edited/altered" ones so we don't lose them. I have a hard time following along, so yeah, it's possible for me to get graphing paper and draw it out, but this is something I think would be cool to do rather then that, plus there are young folks on here who can't get graphing paper for these things. Lets take my design #68260 for example. If i wanted to add more cacti in there, or maybe add more texture in the sky when I make it (like a sunset or a gradient in the sky) it would be a lot easier to be able to go from the already existing pattern and keep it in my saves, and then i can delete it later. I know that's a lot to ask, but at least im getting the idea out there |
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by hlc
Yeah! This is such a great idea! I normally just redraw the pattern on paper and fix what I want and then knot according to the paper instead.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
Yeah, i do that when I want to combine certain patterns with each other (like simple designs) but when it's stuff like that I feel like it's impossible
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by CakeCup
I agree with this! I have had these exact same problems.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Elise64
YES I MADE A FORUM POST ABOUT THIS A WHILE AGO AND IT WOULD BE SO HELPFUL! 👏 i always want to change animal patterns to make them look like my dog/cat so I have to copy it completely which is hard and then change it. Or you could “add a variation” but be able to change it slightly and if it was super different they would decline it and if there were just a few differences it would be accepted. Or we could click “make a copy” and if just copy’s the pattern and you change it and it’s just for yourself. Or both so you could either have it in your create patterns section for yourself or submit it as a variation
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by mintcookie
This is a great suggestion!! I hope this actually will happen that’ll make me really happy. ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
@Elise64 I like the idea of a “copy” button!!! That would be really great and you could keep it up where it says “add variation” I don’t think it would be fair to the original creator to keep it as a variation, especially if it’s your animal or you’re adding something from another design into that one, but you make some really great points!! I didn’t know you made one before but it’s nice to see we share the same idea!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Jdog12525
I was literally thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!!! For me, this applies to alpha patterns cause there is always something I want to tweak before I make it. I hope this gets implemented.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by PugCakePop
This is a great idea! I always want to tweak patterns in some way before I make them, but I can't, and I'm honestly too lazy to draw it out on paper :/