mods and their crazy amounts of patterns page 2
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by kris-b
I'm happy to see that there are others who think that there should be daily pattern limits. I was really enjoying this website for a while, but the glut of patterns has dampened my joy. I used to start my day by going through all the new Normal patterns that had been published in the last 24 hours, but now I have to weed through so many pages that look so similar that I just quit doing that. It feels like some people are valuing quantity over quality, trying to get the highest number of patterns published. Honestly, I would even be happy with an option to filter out certain users when looking at patterns which is sad because these are the same users that I respect and that I think are amazing creators. The fact that I had a new pattern published a day ago and yet it is already on page 7 shows that patterns are getting buried. I truly believe that a 5 pattern/day/user limit would be fair and rather than looking at it as stifling creativity, let's reframe that thought as a challenge to publish the best quality patterns you can create. When designing a pattern, I often go through many versions, and I just keep tweaking until I get the one I think is best and that is the one I submit. BraceletBook has been making some wonderful changes to make this a space that is more safe and fair - let's not drown out the quieter voices.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by PugCakePop
@kris-b yes!! That's exactly what I think!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by CakeCup
I just want to point out that many of the patterns the mods put out are normals. Normals are harder to make and take more time and effort. I appreciate that the mods make so many because i certainly don't know how to make normals. Many of the other users make patterns that are alphas which are a lot easier and simple to make. Sorry if none of that made sense.. |
4 years, 1 month ago by Esemplastc
I agree that there should be limits in how many patterns an individual can submit. Someone could submit an influx of patterns a day and make things overwhelming for everyone.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Godluvsu
I think that there should be a limit on patterns for ANYONE, not just mods. 🙃because then someone could post a bunch of patterns even if they know they will not go through and then that just waists the mods time. It should be like variations but with an even lower limit. @kris-b EXACTLY😂😂😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by kris-b
Amen, @Godluvsu ! Honestly, I completely stand behind everything I wrote, but I wish I hadn't posted it to this forum topic thread because I really didn't mean to be calling out mods for this. I think that limits should apply to anyone and I don't even know whether all the people that post a lot are mods or not. Mods are amazing and I am grateful for all the time and effort they commit to making this site possible for the rest of us.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by maritknots
I do not agree with the fact that people should stop being able to post patterns like @Godluvsu said. I respect the moderators and by being in here I am not trying to disrespect them. I am a creative person and I love to make patterns and I have so many, and that’s okay! @Aracne has a lot too and that isn’t bad. People are supposed to make patterns, so don’t try to say even regular users need a small limit. I don’t even understand how that would make sense on this website. I respect people on this website equally, but try not to gang up and attack mods or anyone else, this is supposed to be a friendly place.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Godluvsu
@maritknots i dont think you shouldn't be able to post patterns, just that there be a limit because it is kind of annoying when you look to the new patterns and they are all from one creator and pretty much the same exact thing as @kris-b said.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by PugCakePop
@CakeCup we certainly, 100% value the mods work, with moderating, helping users, and creating beautiful patterns. I'm just trying to say that there should be a 5-10 pattern limit on all users, including mods, because if we keep making so many patterns in one day that's 1. More work for mods 2. Hard to find a pattern, it's annoying when you have to go pages back to find a pattern 3. Quantity over quality |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by PugCakePop
@Godluvsu exactly. For example take #72754, #72753, #72752, #72751. They are all extremely similar. I'm definitely not saying that mods don't work hard on their normals. (Or alphas for that matter) It's just that, with patterns like these, it's more of quantity over quality, like @kris-b said 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by GenMalucci
I think that moderators like @KrazyKnotz @halokiwi @Odanak1811 who post tons of patterns should be allowed to do that, and my patterns are always approved quickly, or given a kind message about some improvements I could make. I don’t think anyone should be limited. They like making patterns and that’s fine. Just scroll down and you can find some other patterns by different users
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deuken
There's seems to be a small loophole in the system. For example, two patterns that have the same number of strings, rows, knots, and colors wouldn't get accepted normally. But, if there is a small change within one of the patterns then it tends to get accepted and this is where my biggest problems are.
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
@Deuken two patterns with the same amount of strings, knots and rows who use the same colours can be quite different from each other.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deuken
@halokiwi I definitely agree with that, but I feel like with a lot of these patterns the creator just expands the pattern width wise or just adds a small detail. It gets confusing cause I'm like, "Is this just a duplicate or no??".
4 years, 1 month ago by Margaron
It’s also important to note that if the approval period for content starts to creep over the 24hour mark daily limits ARE implemented to prevent users from uploading too many patterns and variations to help the mods get the numbers back under control. At this time as @halokiwi said the approval period is under 24 hrs.