Highlighting parts of the bracelet
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
If this is an actual thing Please tell me lol

So when I go to make a bracelet, sometimes i lose my place. This happens a lot when i try to make triangle ends of any kind. I can't really see what I'm doing, and looking at the pattern for a long time makes it all jumbled up in my mind.

Also, for long, repetitive alphas that are easy to lose places in, I think It would be really cool to be able to just click on the row (on the side) that you finished so it'll lose its color so you know you already did that part

Sectioning this would be so cool and I think would make it a lot easier for people to see what they're doing. For normals, It could be that when you click on the knot it'll lose its color, so if you segment knot you can click on the knot's you've done!

You could probably just add another button to the top row, like where you can make a variation (or click variation, takes you to a page saying if you want to change the colors or i you want to grey scale them as you go) and set up the mechanics that way. Kinda like when you go to make a pattern, and you have the top part of the screen for normals, and the bottom for alphas. It could be set up that way so you can have a save system, and to get rid of it you mark "I'm done!" And it can ask if you want to post a picture or not

I don't have a printer at home and have no way of marking where I'm at in these things, And when bracelets are really complicated (like #65430 ) It would be really nice to have 🙂 I think it would make it a lot easier for beginners to be able to read patterns, as well as help people with mental disorders/illnesses that can't focus very well (like ADHD) to keep where they are.

I know this is a lot to ask for, and I'm not saying it has to be done, but I really like the idea of having that set up. I would be more encouraged to complete my bracelets if i had a system like that to help me 😊
4 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
Hi, this is a really great idea. I'll send a link of this forum to admin. 😄

For now what you could do is take a screenshot in which you can make marks using a photo editor or by copying the patterns manually onto a graph paper and making your marks there. Copying the pattern manually only really works if a pattern isn't super big but it really helps.

I finished a bracelet yesterday and because I liked it so much I decided to do it again today. But before I started I copied the pattern onto a graph paper and drew the segments into it and it's going so much easier and faster than before when I was looking at the pattern on a screen or doing it from memory because looking at a screen is annoying.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Deer-Teeth
@halokiwi Oh okay!! Thank you!!

I didn't really think of that, I have an art app that I can transfer photo's on, So I'll try that out When I get the chance to! That sounds a lot better than me just getting lost lol, I've abandoned so many bracelets that way so i really like that Idea!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Ate_Trisha
omg yess i always lose my place and it drive me crazy 😭 this would be a really good thing to add to BB 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Allie_1126
I use a free app called paper to make lines of parts I have completed.🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Elise64
This is a really good idea!! I always lose track of what row I’m on 🤦‍♀️ 😂
4 years, 2 months ago by pjsmith
it’s hard for me to keep track too, and i get that an app is helpful, but i don’t really have a ton of storage to be able to use another app on my phone, and i primarily use BB from my chromebook which doesn’t really have apps either. i think this would be an awesome idea if we could implement this!