9 years, 5 months ago by stephhenry
I think this app should have a feature in the todo list that allows you to take notes on the patter. Like if you are going to make one for a friend or something you can go to the notes feature and write down what color he/she wants. Also, i've been making bracelets for almost 7 years and still my biggest problem is when i'm in the middle of a pattern and i have to go somewhere. I either have to write down the row number really quick or just hope that I remember it. I think there should be a feature where you can tap the row you're on and it highlights it so when you get back you can start right aways without wasting so much time trying to figure out what row you're on. And when you start making it again, you just tap the row to unhighlight it. Just some ideas i think would make this app even better!! Please comment with your thoughts!! |
Bracelet King
9 years, 5 months ago by Lily99
When I'm making a pattern from my phone, I save it to camera roll. Then when I need to stop I crop the photo so the first row showing is the one I'm on. Good idea though!
9 years, 5 months ago by stephhenry
Bracelet King
8 years, 9 months ago by impersonat
I print out patterns so I can write on them to mark where I am in the pattern
Bracelet King
8 years, 9 months ago by DragonFly1
I've actually just gotten used to just comparing what I've done to the pattern. However, I found that this is much more difficult for normal patterns. When I started making normal bracelets I always printed them, like impersonat, and marked as I went. I hope this can help you for the mean time. 🙂