Add a tag to challenge patterns so you can search them via pattern search
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by mjlgvw
Dear @Johny and other mods,

Would it be possible to add a tag to patterns that toy include in a weekly or monthly challenge?

Why? This morning I had to open about 20 patterns to see which ones they were. Click, back to forum, click, back to forum, etc.etc. And after I added a pattern to my Top Dos I cannot de anymore to which challenged it belongs.

If you a a tag I could just use the pattern search function and ad the pattern tag in the keyword box. For instance 'CPweeknov1' or 'CPmonthnov' (where CP stands for challenge pattern).

Curious what others think of this idea.

Kind regards,
Marjolein (The Netherlands)
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by mjlgvw
*toy=you (autocorrect 🙈)
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 2006_Mandy
so you are asking for you to be able to press tagged patterns on the app since its possible on the website already right?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by mjlgvw
No, that's not it. I would like to make more use of the function of tapping the tags, by adding a specific tag to challenge patterns. 😊