controversial patterns ???
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by laynaluv
while looking through many of the bracelet patterns on this website i have noticed a few things and i just wanted to know if anyone else has noticed as well , as you may already know bb does not accept “political” patterns or anything of that sort , i’ve had friends who also use this site say that their blm patterns have been declined becauseeee they were said to be “political” but i have also seen blm patterns on this site , i have also seen patterns with the thin blue line flag , i thought this was a little concerning that the blue line flags were being accpeted but not all of the blm patterns , but there must be some reason that i am unaware of , i also know that according to the flag code the thin blue line flag could be seen as disrespectful to some people because it is an alteration to the flag of the United States of America , in no way am i trying to express my own views or trying to start any political arguments or anything i just noticed some inconsistencies that’s all
4 years, 4 months ago by arf820
hey! to clarify, the current rule regarding political patterns is that we do not allow any content (patterns, photos, comments, forum posts) that specifically support or represent a political party or candidate. for example, a pattern that says trump 2020 or biden 2020 would not be accepted. these do NOT include BLM patterns or pro-police patterns. so as of right now, we are accepting controversial patterns, just as long as they don’t specifically support or represent a political party or candidate. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by laynaluv
@arf820 thank you for the clarification
4 years, 4 months ago by arf820
np! feel free to message me or another mod if you have any more questions 🙂
4 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
In addition to what was said above when the situation happened when blm patterns were declined for political reasons admin made a blog post and explained that the moderator who did this did something wrong and also removed said moderator from the team.

At the time where that happened political patterns were still allowed but at a later point it was decided to not allow any content anymore that supports or represents political parties or candidates.