Issue with moderators and how they are accepting patterns
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Jdog12525
***Disclaimer: No hate to the creators of the patterns I’m complaining about***

So recently I’ve seen a lack of strictness and difference of opinion with the moderators on how they accept new patterns.

I submitted a cute mushroom alpha pattern that was 13x13 squares but it was declined because it was considered “too simple”. However, this is not very fair because recently I have seen some patterns where it’s not very clear what it’s supposed to be and I personally would have declined them.

Also, I just saw a new pattern with the phrase “Crewmate” from Among Us yet it looks exactly like mine (same colors and almost same dimensions). I feel the moderator who accepted this one should have declined it for being too similar to mine.

(If someone would like me to drop the specific pattern numbers below of the patterns I just spoke about, let me know.)

I think it would benefit the BraceletBook users if the moderators would review the acceptance guidelines again so that each pattern is reviewed fairly and that each new potential pattern has an equal chance of being accepted no matter which moderator reviews it.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Elise64
Yea I do feel like some of the mods are more strict about accepting patterns than others, no hate on the mods that are more strict, but KrazyKnotz is a little bit more strict than most of the others it seems like to me, my pattern #57106 was declined like 2-3 times because it looked unfinished, which I understood before but I didn’t want to make it too similar to another pattern that I saw, it honestly looked really weird before lol, but when I asked KrazyKnotz why it was declined she told me and she was really nice like all the moderators. But I agree that they could be a little bit more strict, and also I don’t think patterns should be declined for being too simple unless they know it wouldn’t work when you try to make it, people like simple patterns so I don’t see a reason for them to be declined for being too simple.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Elise64
*some mods could be a little bit less strict
4 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
Finding a good balance on how strict to be isn't always easy. We have some guidelines for reviewing patterns but there will always be human error and personal taste even though we try to avoid it.

If you are unhappy about a decision made by any moderator you can always talk to us and we are happy to help.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I agree I saw the among us pattern and thought that it was a simple word pattern so i was confused so as to why it was accepted and then some patterns are being accepted for the same reasons they should be declined. I don't think I would want to complain though the mods do their best and you can always report a pattern if you think it is a copy or too simple. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Jdog12525
@Elise64 @halokiwi @2006_Mandy Thank you guys for your feedback!!!