Report Pattern Button
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by RileighR
I see so many patterns that I know are duplicates. I think having an option to click a button and anonymously (at least to the creator, maybe not mods) would be very helpful. It could be just -report pattern -reason. Maybe even a drop down of reasons? Like - this pattern is a duplicate (enter pattern number) -this pattern is too simple -this pattern needs to be fixed (too pixelated, sloppy, uneven, etc) |
4 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
Hi, this sounds like a good idea. Currently you can only report by messaging a moderator (that way the user doesn't know you reported) or by directly commenting on the pattern (that way the user knows). I don't think we currently take reports for patterns being too simple or uneven but you can report patterns for being duplicates like you already said, violating the guidelines or if they don't actually work (for example patterns that have gaps that go all the way through or that have individual strings that are not connected to the pattern). |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Knots_EM
Yes! I have seen quite a few near-dupes and ones that I think are too simple or messy and it would be so much easier to have a button.
4 years, 4 months ago by estellajw
That's a really good idea! I think right now all you can do is message a mod, but I hope there is a feature like that in the future.