Bracelet King
10 years, 1 month ago by CWillard
So this might be a weird idea or might take a long time in order for it to happen but I was thinking it might be cool if people could make sub-patterns. By this, I mean that users, if they like a pattern but want to change the knotting a little bit or something like that, can design it (idk if there would be a link from the pattern to making the sub-pattern or something like that). This way, there wouldn't seem like a pattern is being repeated too many times, people can change it to their liking without having to submit a whole new pattern that looks so similar to others, people can see the sub-patterns too that they may want to end up making, and it also gives the original pattern and it's designer credit. I thought this might be a cool idea. I just don't know whether you'd be able to see the patterns individually or if you have to click on the original to see it, but the naming, for example, could be as follows: original pattern 12345, the sub-pattern would be called 12345a. Then it would go through the alphabet, then start with aa, ab, ac,... And so forth. Anyone else think this would be a cool or good idea? (Sorry for such the long post)
Bracelet King
10 years, 1 month ago by Fliparz
Cool idea!
10 years, 1 month ago by Admin
Hi there,We are actually planning something similar to what you wrote, but it will take some time to make it 🙂 |
Bracelet King
9 years, 11 months ago by CuteCrafts