Please help
4 years, 6 months ago by hailey04x
There is a girl on here harassing me for no reason, she rated all my patterns 1 star so I messaged her. I told her I was going to sue her because I had no other way to get her to leave me alone I obviously wasn't serious, but she kept commenting on my patterns.. She just made a new account just to harass me and call me the B word. I know its her because the account was made 2 hours ago and also they type exactly the same..
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Gillierose
Who's the user? (don't use the @ because if you do, they will see it)And also, definitely message some moderators about it! They will be able to help you a lot better than I can. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Gillierose
I just read the comments on one of your patterns. Not that my input means anything, but I think you should jus leave it alone, as long as it doesn't keep happening. It's hard to tell how this all started and whatnot from my perspective so I think y'all should just agree to disagree and stop talking to each other!
4 years, 6 months ago by hailey04x
@Gillierose I had already stopped replying to them but then they Made a new account just to harass me. They gave me 1 star on all my patterns so I messaged them asking why
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Gillierose
Just think that they went through all of that trouble just to say something to you about it. Don't let it bother you! To be honest, not too many people look at the rating when they're looking through patterns because half the time, someone accidentally clicks the wrong rating anyway. Don't sweat it!
4 years, 6 months ago by hailey04x
@Gillierose You are right 🤔 Thank you, I will definitely be submitting more patterns
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I would do your best to ignore that user it’s sad to know that people are like that but I have experienced all types of problems across many different platforms. It is not worth putting up a fight believe me. You won’t be able to please everyone on earth and some people will not be kind to you. They don’t know what you are like, they don’t know what effort and time it took you to make your patterns therefore their judgement means nothing. Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t amazing and that you aren’t valued. I’m not saying that a users actions are verified but sometimes you need to understand the other side of a story. That user might have felt upset with you as well. As the other user said if you felt uncomfortable then you should report your situation to a mod. That user shouldn’t be swearing at you it’s unfair and it probably isn’t allowed on braceletbook. Don’t let anybody stop you from being you. Have a good day 😇